Thursday, August 21, 2008

Today was not a good day

In fact it felt like a cruel joke.

I got fucked hard at work today.

My manager wasn't there today due to her having to attend a meeting in Tokyo. And because of that I had to open up the school. Not a big deal. I knew I had to do it so I was prepared.

Also, the other teacher at the school didn't come in until 4 pm.

So, from noon til 4 it was just me. Meaning I couldn't leave the school for any reason.

I didn't have classes until 330 today. So from noon to 330 I did lesson preparation. No problem. But, I was getting kind of hungry. I am not used to this schedule and haven't figured out the right eating schedule. I wake up and am not hungry, so I don't eat. But, then I get hungry halfway through the afternoon when I am at work. You know, like at a lunch time.

Except, today, I couldn't go to lunch because no one was there.

I thought, hey when the other teacher comes in I can just pop across to McDonalds (I know, but it is right there and it is "fast food" which is what I needed because I only had 20 minutes between classes) and get something before my next class. Oh wait, McDonalds was closed today. What?!?!

So no McDonalds. But, I had another break because one of my students called and cancelled and he was the only one in the class. Excellent. All I had to do was make it through one more class and then I could go get something to eat. When I exit the class I see someone sitting in the lobby of the school. He is one of my students later in the week. He knew he couldn't make his scheduled class so he came to today's class instead (a perfectly fine thing to do in his case). Augh! No dinner then. And I had classes back to back from that point on until 9pm.

Oh, and I had to close the school up because my manager never made it back and the other teacher left at 815. So I didn't get out of there until almost ten.

At which point there is nothing open around the school. I need to find a late night dining spot.

And the classes today! One of my classes was a two year old that stared daggers at me the entire time. The only thing he said the whole class was where is the previous teacher. I don't know what to do with him. Then I had a class with a student who just transferred from another teacher's class who was described as having "severe emotional and attention problems," and boy did he ever live up to the hype. Out of control. And I don't know what I can do in my position. I feel like I can't discipline him, only ask him to calm down and sit down.

Maybe it is just that I haven't been around the public in so long that these things are killing me. At the airport if someone was annoying me I would tell them to take a flying fuck or destroy their luggage. Here I really don't have that option.

Although, the end of the night was nice. I had two high level classes in a row, basically people that can speak English. I spent those last two hours getting ideas of what I should do while I am in Japan and places I should go see. Apparently I need to eat Takoyaki. Or, deep fried octopus. Hmmm. I thought it was a joke the first time someone told me to try it, but almost all of my students have said it is delicious, so it is on the list of things to experience.

Whew, I feel better. All I know is that tomorrow can't possibly be as rough as today. Here's to tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey alex!and you thought working a military flight was a good f-in. let me or us know when you finaly find a semi late fast food place.