Friday, October 31, 2008

no central heating

It is really becoming fall around here now, finally, the beginning of November and it starts to feel like fall. Yup, cool days and almost cold nights. That is all well and good, nothing I love more than putting on a nice warm hoodie and comfy jeans and being comfortably cool instead of sweating my ass off like I have been for the last two months.

The downside of this, as I have recently discovered, is that I have no central heating. My entire apartment is heated, and cooled for that matter, by this bad boy right here:

Yup, sitting on the wall in my bedroom. Now, this is all well and good, I spend most of my time in my apartment in my bedroom/living room/dining room/everything except my bathroom, so if I am chilly, turn on the heater and warm myself up.

EXCEPT when I either have to use the bathroom, or take a shower. There is a door between my front room and back room in the apartment. And at night when I sleep I shut the door. I have always shut the door to my bedroom. I think it is the feeling of security. I also always shut the door when I use the bathroom. I think I like closed doors. Closed doors are safe. No one can sneak up on you when you have a closed door. Well, except that one time my landlord came into my bedroom with four building inspectors while I was sleeping and didn't hear them until after they opened the door and were talking. Point being, I close the door between my bedroom and the front of the apartment. And that front part is fucking FREEZING in the morning! I have never had colder potty time. My laundry doesn't dry. My towels stay cold and damp, and therefore smell something awful after two days. And it is only just the beginning of the winter. I wonder what it is going to be like in January. Something to look forward to I guess.

At least the water is boiling hot. I cannot express how much I love my shower and how hot the water is. I think I could boil an egg in my bathwater. I love love love it. And the pressure. Oh, the pressure. I am going to be spoiled. I can't go back to weak pressure and little hot water. I am a diva now! The only problem with the shower is that I know how cold it is once I get out of the shower so I spend more and more time just sitting under that wonderful hot water. It is my favorite part of the day. Well that and going to sleep. Of course going to sleep. I love naps.

I miss daily naps. I think that is why I don't do anything on the weekends. I just want to nap. True story, I layed down to take that shot and then didn't get up for like 15 minutes because it was just so nice. God, I am such an old man.

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