Monday, March 30, 2009

An exciting life

I didn't do anything fun this weekend. Well, that isn't true, I had a good time, but nothing worthy of writing about.'s a picture of what is in my fridge right now!

Top shelf: three cans of beer that a friend of my classmates gave me because he is moving and didn't want to take them with him, a half empty bottle of sochu that I have had for ages, and in the back a jar of spaghetti sauce that I have also had forever. One day I bought everything to make spaghetti and then didn't feel like cooking, so it has been sitting back there ever since.

Bottom shelf: two jars of jam, blueberry and strawberry (the strawberry jam, I bought today and it cost 420 yen, on sale. Ouch.), a bottle of soy sauce (of course), a jar of peanut butter (thanks, Jessica! why it is in the fridge, I don't know. But I put it in there and now I feel like I can't remove it or the peanut butter will go bad), AND last but not least, a can of DR. PEPPER! Yum. I guess. Kaori went to Tokyo a couple of weeks ago and bought me a can. I look at it every day and want to drink it, but I want to save it until one of three things happens. 1) I have a really great day and want to celebrate. 2) I have a completely shitty day and want to commiserate. or 3) I get another can of Dr. Pepper. I should always keep a supply of one, just in case.

And that is everything I have to eat in my house.

Also, here is the toy that came attached to my tea today.

So cute! I don't have a clue what I am going to do with it, but it sure is cute.

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