Also, I had to weigh myself, and the scale went up to 100 kgs, and I circled it around. Nothing to quite make you feel like a fat ass like the scale going all the way around. And here I thought I had lost some weight.
Anyway, here is some pictures of the things I ate last night and the night before.
This is rice with scrambled eggs on top and a sauce on top of that. It is delicious and I have no idea what it is called. Check out the cool square plate as well.
Here are some shrimp summer rolls with a giant radish carved into a chicken shape behind it. That is damned impressive for a dish that cost less than 1000 yen.
And here are pork dumplings shaped like cute little pig's heads. This Chinese restaurant, Wang-Fu, if you are ever in Tsuruga, is just fantastic. You can order a huge meal for around 7000 yen and all of their stuff is super tasty and artistically presented. There were also dumplings that looked like peaches, and the cups that the tea comes in have little spots on the sides that are thinner so as you drink the light comes through the cup and it looks like stars. Pretty fantastic. The real reason we go there so often is that one of my friends has a crush on the waitress there, but it is always nice when we go since the food is also great and they have the best french fries in Tsuruga.
Mom is coming today. Actually, I am leaving to pick her up in about a half an hour. Excited!
curtail your enthuisaisam big boy. hope you time with your "mom" tops off your stay. E mail when you get a chance. br
Hey! Now that your Mom is there have her write some of her experiences, to your Blog, with pictures. This will give us non flyers a chance to read a different perspective of someone else who has never been out of the country. Ask her to keep a daily log of her thoughts and observations.
You will never guess who this is!
Jerry L.
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