Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mom's visit-Friday-Kanazawa

Friday morning came all too quickly after a late Thursday night. After a quick shower and 1000% of my daily vitamin-C intake care of a glass full of "Energen-C" and I was almost ready to face the day. In one way it was a beautiful sunny day, perfect for a day of sightseeing, in another way, it was a SUNNY day too sunny for a man who had consumed a massive amount of alcohol the previous night.

Tomoya and Kaori were kind enough to offer to accompany us to Kanazawa so Mom could see Kenrokuen (a famous garden).

But first! We had to stop and have lunch. At Budoo noki, the grape themed place I had brunch at the previous time I was in Kanazawa with the group.

This time I took pictures!

The buffet area.

Closer view. So much delicious food. Great french fries in the front right corner, and some sugared little toast pieces right behind them. Oishi!

For Mom, flowers outside the door of the resturaunt.

There weren't any grapes on the vine this time (wrong time of year apparently) but there were still vines everywhere.

Shadows on the parking lot pavement. I thought those were either painted on for effect of just cracks in the parking lot at first. Yup, I am a jackass.

And, OF COURSE, I had to have another delicious grape soft serve ice cream cone. but no picture so you will just have to trust me.

Here's a McDonalds that looks like a house. There are tons of this style of McDonalds in Japan.

I just like that it has a second story with windows. Looks like a pretty good place to eat to me. Of course, I think any McDonalds pretty much looks like a good place to eat.

Then we went to the garden.

Here are a bunch of pictures I took of the various parts of the garden area. Very beautiful, very peaceful, very crowded.

A very nice place all around.

Here is an old house. I think it was from the 1700s. I think. Newer Japanese houses, not that different quite frankly.

And just because it makes me laugh, here is Kaori wearing her gypsy scarf again.

After the park, we headed to an old street filled with teahouses.

It was also filled with French people.

But as old as the buildings look, they still have modern amenities like glass behind all of those slats.

Notice my long sleeve shirt. It was about 80 degrees Friday. Awesome!

I also saw a cat hiding in the sewer.

I love sewer cats.

All in all, a very fun day, but I have too much more to type, so I am going to short sell it. After a long day we headed toward the train station

That is a clock fountain. The numbers are formed by water. Pretty cool. Unfortunately, our train was at 6:30 so no time to stop and take a video.

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