Friday, September 4, 2009

I don't really know how to talk about this

His name is Jiro Isoo.

He was an amazingly fun person. He was one of my favorite students. He was so excited to learn English. He loved English culture and was very interested in graffiti art, which is somewhat unusual for Japanese people. When he had trouble with something and then finally got it he would shout "YES YES YES!" loud enough that people in the lobby of the school could hear him. He was always quick with a joke and a laugh and seemed to be loving life every day. He would talk to everyone and anyone and make them laugh and have a good time. He made a quick friend of Jessica when she visited, asking her questions and making her laugh and relax when she was feeling in over her head. He loved music and art and would talk about both with enthusiasm almost every time I saw him. I never heard him complain or say a bad word about anyone and I truly enjoyed having him in my classes every week.

He passed away last week.

He was on vacation and riding an elevator up to his hotel room when he feinted and hit his head hard enough to cause internal bleeding in his brain and his death.

I hope he didn't feel anything, he deserves as much.

We found out tonight when his mother and brother came into Geos. I was in the middle of my normal Friday 5 hour marathon of kid's classes when I went up to the lobby to see my manager crying and my co-worker talking to these unknown people.

And I don't want to make this about me, but dammit, this is my blog, so I guess I am going to. I felt so terrible and I don't deal with death and sadness in any kind of appropriate way in America. And here I am looking at his mom with her eyes filled with tears and I can't even say I am sorry because I don't know the words. I had to ask Kaori to translate for me. And his mom came up and just took my hand and said "thank you" over and over and I had to get out of there because I was going to start crying.

And I just can't express myself and I wish I could have told his mom just how great a person he was. And why the fuck is it that someone who loves life and has such a good time dies so young while miserable fucks like myself who hate themselves and their lives just continue to make the world awful. And why, fuck it. This is not about me. This is to honor one of the all around best people I have ever met.

This is for Jiro, an amazing person who was taken far too soon.



Anonymous said...

Oh, Alex - my heart aches for you. Mom

Anonymous said...

Hey big guy. A good person met and helped another good person. It was because of you that he got excited and said, YES YES YES !!! br