Monday, August 16, 2010

Kaga BBQ

Then went to a bbq in Kaga with an ex-Geos teacher and her family.

Made hamburgers. Small hamburgers, but very tasty. And extra-special hamburger buns.

Went with Yuko. Notice the child's face in the background.

Baby with the same haircut as me. Of course, his is coming in and mine is going out.

Cute, big headed kid.

Ex-Geos teacher and two of her students. That girl is in the same high school class as one of my students in Tsuruga. Kaga is about an hour and a half north of Tsuruga. Japan is small.

Also, both of those teenagers took a picture with me and said "Wow, you smell good!" Like I am some sort of animal.

There was a sunflower maze.

And a goat who couldn't care less about the kids trying to feed it.

lastly, Yuko and I traded hats.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good to have you back onthe air! BBQ looks like a lot of fun...yes, you look really cute in a floppy (pink?)hat - Yuko has good taste. Good people, good times...krt