Sunday, March 13, 2011


Just to let you know where I am in relation to the earthquake. I live in prefecture 18, Fukui, on the opposite side of the island from where the earthquake hit. Best way to put it would be to imagine something happening in New York when you live in DC. bout the same distance away.

It is strange because on this side of the island it is life as usual. No delays, no damage, maybe rolling blackouts depending on power needs for Tokyo but that should really only be the Kanto area.

So, safe and sound, thank you for your concern, it is much appreciated.

also, no blog posts because nothing is happening in my life right now that I really want to talk about. Geos went bankrupt in April of last year, was bought by Nova (a competing language school), they kept the Tsuruga Geos branch open until December. After it closed I was transferred to a Nova school in Fukui city. I still live in Tsuruga because I don't want to move twice in 6 months, so I simply commute to and from work every day. My days off are Thursday and Friday so I don't even get to see my friends with real jobs. Basically, all I do is work and watch tv, not much worth writing about.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you.....krt