Friday, September 19, 2008

Boring week

I have done absolutely nothing blog-worthy this week (then again, what is really blog worthy? Isn't this just an exercise in ego masturbation, thinking people want to read about my life?)

I finally received my learning to read/write/speak Japanese books. Hopefully I will be able to pick those up quickly as I think it will improve my "real world" Japanese experience greatly. I feel like a retard at stores when I just grunt, nod, and hand my money over. It takes me forever to find stuff, and I have no way of asking. I bet there is a lot more to these stores than I am finding, I just have no way of knowing what is or isn't there. I feel like a Mexican. I think I have said that before.

I also received and finished in one day the final Harry Potter book. I don't know why I bother buying those books. I thought it would be nice to re-read the final book since I finished it so quickly last year. I would be able to read a little each night and really take my time and enjoy the experience of reading (since, you know, all the books and magazines here are in Japanese, and I don't read Japanese yet, so I don't get to read much). Well, that didn't happen. I got the book at 11am last Monday and read it all day Monday finally finishing at about 2 am. And I even told myself, just one more chapter then put it down, but one chapter turned into two, turned into twenty, and before I knew it I was done. Oh well, still a great book.

So, that is what I did this week. I worked. I played cards with one of my students and he destroyed me at games I made up to entertain him before class. Can you believe that? I made the rules and he still beats me, AT MY OWN GAME! He's a quick one, that kid. I am going to have to really beat him good one day to re-assert my dominance.

Tonight I went to the corner store after work and as I was walking down the hallway outside of the apartments I felt a blast of air on my head as I walked by one of the apartments. As far as I can tell every apartment in the building is the same layout. Front door, to the left of the front entrance, toilet room, across from that bathroom, then kitchen then bedroom. So that blast of air was the exhaust fan from the bathroom. Yep, I got a face full of poopin air!

Poopin air!?!?

And yes, when there is nothing else to talk about, you can always count on a poop story.

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