Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Or, what I ate today.

I have discovered that the grocery store across the street from Geos has a pretty large prepared foods section. Hence, I can get something fast for lunch that isn't McDonalds.

The only problem, I don't know what anything is. I mean, I can barely recognize anything. I recognize noodles. I recognize sushi, but not what type of sushi. I recognize shrimp (sometimes). But, I pretty much don't recognize anything or combinations of anything since I have almost no experience with Japanese food. So, I pretty much just look at stuff until I see something that looks tasty, or rather something that doesn't look awful and buy it. Costs me about $4 to try it out, and hey, if I hate it, I know for next time.

Today I got something that looked fried and with eggs and noodles in it. It was Okonomiyaki. What is Okonomiyaki? Best description, an octopus omlette. Or maybe an octopus and egg pancake since that is what it looked like. It is eggs, vegetables (mostly cabbage and onion) some other yam like vegetable (probably yam now that I think about it) all mixed together, fried up, and topped with octopus and cheese which is also pan fried. Also, there were noodles on the side with a slight meaty taste.

All in all, pretty good. It wasn't really hot (the downside of buying at the store and getting stuff in non-microwavable plastic containers) and I am sure it would have been better hotter, but I would buy it again. Pretty good.

Man, I sure am eating a lot of octopus lately. It is Tsuruga festival time this week, and there is a Takomiyaki stand right outside of the school. Takomiyaki is deep fried octopus balls, and they are supposed to be fantastic. I gaurentee I am going to have one this week. Even if they are super expensive at 500 yen a pop. Ouch.

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