Sunday, October 2, 2011

Australia melbourne zoo

 At the Melbourne Zoo you could get really close to the animals

  really close

  Stupid auto focus on my camera.  Who wants to take a picture of a fence?

 Look at all the scars on that guys face.  Warrior!

 I don't know if these were part of the zoo or just wandering around cuz they weren't in any kind of enclosure

 cute turtle
 Giant Tortoise.  Huge!

 I am a child.  This makes me laugh hard.
 Happy Lizard

Orangutan in a blanket.  Which she then pulled over her head to block out everyone.  How can you not believe in evolution after seeing something like that?

 Lazy turtle riding a lizard's back

 In this part of the zoo, the ostriches were just walking around following us.

 that is one close bird!
 Not a baby hippo, a pygmy hippo!
 Gorilla sitting on its blanket.  And when it got up and moved it took the blanket, which it proceeded to put back down when it sat down again.  Smart!

 Someone look at me!

 Tiny tiny penguins. 

Wombats sleep like dogs apparently.

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